Tag: chair
Baddha Konasana–Bound Angle pose
Baddha konasana is very accessible for larger bodies, plenty of room for the belly. Sit on height, 2-3 blankets or a bolster. Stair step the bolsters to allow space for the body in the restorative version of this seated pose.
Restorative Upavista Konasana—Wide Angle Seated Forward Fold with a chair
Sit on plenty of height, 2-3 blankets or a bolster. Folding forward is easier with the legs apart, the pelvis has more room to move and there is room for the belly. Use a chair and a bolster to protect the spine in this pose. Note how the bolster is slid up to allow room…
Uttanasana–Forward Fold with a chair
Bring the feet sufficiently apart to allow for body proportions in this pose. Tuck the belly up and back toward the pelvis to find the feeling of hinging at the hips. Bring hands to chair seat and lengthen through the spine. Stay here in a half-way up position, or continue folding and place crown of…
Wide Legged Forward Fold–Prasarita Padottanasana
Bending with legs wide is easier than with feet together, especially if you have a bigger belly. Tuck the belly up and back toward the pelvis to find the feeling of hinging at the hips. Bring hands to chair seat and lengthen through the spine. Stay here in a half-way up position, or continue folding…
Urdhva Dhanurasana (Wheel pose) Full backbend with a chair
Urdhva Dhanurasana is a very challenging pose. I start students with a backless chair and legs up the wall on a block. Bolsters support the upper body and head to make the backbend more accessible. More experienced, injury free students can bring their hands and feet to the floor and push up to full wheel. …
Seated Meditation, building a strong support. Great for plus size or older students.
A chair can provide a very supportive seat for meditation. Put a mat over the chair if it is backless and slippery, then rest a bolster to lean the shoulders against. Put half or quarter blocks under the feet so that the student has 90 degree angles at the knee and ankle. Put a block…
Virasana (Hero’s Pose) aka torture for us stiff students.
Plus size students are just like everyone else in virasana—some are very tight and others can just sit down with no support. Yogis with large pelvises will be much more supported if they have a wider seat to sit on—I use two blocks side by side instead of one. When I only use one, I…
What if you don’t fit in the chair?
If two chairs fit a student better (or if you want to do a supported backbend but don’t have backless chairs), put out two mats criss-cross. Put the two chairs on the cross-wise mat with the edges of the seats touching. Put another folded mat on top of the chair seats. You can sit on…
Namaste, I share my light with you!
My name is Elizabeth Vesto, but you probably already know that because you found my page. I’ve been practicing yoga since 2012 and have studied more than 500 hours to become RYT 500. My passion is using props to bring yoga to people of any size, shape, or ability.